
Contribute to Rentberry Blog

Contribute to the Rentberry Blog

We always appreciate an excellent piece of content, so a guest post will be warmly welcomed on our blog! 

But! We can’t accept just anything, as you can imagine.

Please keep in mind that we are looking to publish articles that are unique, well-written, and contain valuable information for our readers. 

What Do We Write About?

The Rentberry Blog aims to ease the life of tenants, so we cover dozens of tenant-related topics. Our main categories are:

If you want to submit landlord-related topics, please check out our sister site, the LandlordTips blog.

Bear in mind that we will not post your article if the only purpose of it is to get backlinks. The piece of content should be well-researched, unputdownable, and written in line with the guidelines you can find below.

How to Submit a Guest Post

Are you ready to become a contributor? Write to us at [email protected] with a few possible ideas or topics for the article, a few samples of your previously published material, and the URL of your website.

If you don’t have an exact topic in mind yet, contact us with a few words about yourself and some writing samples anyway, and we will think of something great together!

Once you send us an email, please wait for us to get back to you; we get a lot of pitches, and it gets difficult tracking and replying to them all.

Article Guidelines

Here comes the fun part! 

Our guidelines are fundamental, so we ask you to review them attentively and take them seriously. In case your guest post does not comply with these rules, we will ask you to resubmit your article with the necessary edits to follow our standards.

Some essential requirements:

  • Your post has to be well-written and interesting to our readers. We aim to assist tenants at every step of their rental journey, so the articles should be fresh, informative, and non-generic. 
  • The article should be 100% unique, and it can’t be published anywhere else, both before and after you send it to us.
  • Bringing up numbers and statistics is important in giving our readers facts that make your case, and make sure to include necessary links and references to back up your claims.
  • We do not tolerate direct promotions and affiliate links.
  • Rentberry allows for up to 2 links to relevant authority websites within your article (homepage links are not permitted).
  • You may send us your short bio, and we will give full credit to the article’s author

Style and grammar:

  • As a San Francisco based company, we use American English spelling in all our posts.
  • Your article should be a minimum of 1,000 words.
  • The post has to have a clear structure and agenda, so remember to use subheadings. Just FYI, we also don’t mind a good old “bucket brigade” here and there 🙂 
  • And last — but certainly not least — remember to run a spell check before submitting a final version to us!

How to submit:

  • Google Docs is the best! This platform allows us to suggest edits and leave feedback right in the document, which will make our collaboration easier.
  • We also accept Microsoft Word files, plain text files, and HTML documents.
  • We take our security seriously, so no .zip files are allowed, sorry.

If the submitted post contravenes any of the above mentioned guidelines, we reserve the right to reject the article.

What to Expect After Submitting a Post

Your article will be edited before we publish it on our blog, which usually takes a few days. We have a chief editor taking care of the final edits; they can rewrite or remove any parts (and links) that do not comply with our guidelines. In this case, we will ask you to fix the doubtful parts of the text.

Finally, we will let you know as soon as we decide on the date when the article will be published. 

Here at the Rentberry Blog, our objective is to support renters with relevant, engaging, and informative content. We aim to facilitate the whole process of renting, from finding the perfect place to moving in and even solving any issues that might occur at any stage of the rental journey.

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What is Rentberry?

Rental Service

Rentberry unites landlords and tenants to make their rental experience fair, secure and transparent.

Price Negotiation Platform

Affordable rent is not a myth. Negotiate the final price with your potential landlord and find a common ground together.

Time-Saving Tools

Having your whole rental experience in one place is real. Sign electronic agreements and rent a perfect place in a few clicks.