
7 Warning Signs in Your Residential Lease Agreement

Once you’ve found an ideal apartment you’d like to rent, chances are that you will want to immediately sign a lease or rental agreement to secure the property and many landlords will ask you to sign a “standard agreement.” Don’t! You should never be in a rush to sign such a document as these “standard leases” are often weighted in favor of the landlord, sometimes…

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7 Easy Ways to Puppy Proof Your Apartment

Not many things in the world are as cute as a puppy. They draw you in with their puppy breath, chubby bellies and floppy ears. Any mischief is forgiven with a look in their puppy dog eyes.  Maybe your children have been begging for a puppy for years. Or you’ve finally moved into a place of your own and are looking for a canine companion….

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What Daylighting Can Do For You

All energy found on our planet, whether in our homes or in our food, originates from the sun. So why does it seem like we so often try to block out the sun’s rays? Most of us spend the better part of our lives indoors, working eight-hour days in fluorescent-lit cubicles. Modern offices and lavish apartments tout their open spaces and scenic window frames that…

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How to Keep Your Rental Apartment in Great Condition

As a renter, you’ve put significant time and effort into finding the right place to live. Whether you’re planning on staying just for this lease or you’d like to stay long-term, you have every reason to call your apartment or condo home. While the property manager is ultimately responsible for any needed maintenance and upkeep, there is a role renters can play in keeping the…

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Must-Have Amenities for Millennial Apartments

Millennials are the biggest generational cohort in the renting market. Around 60% of millennials are currently renters in the housing market, in which they account for the majority of the market in total.

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You Deserve Better: Guide to Rental Property Inhabitability

The relationship between a tenant and landlord is generally mutually beneficial for both parties. A change in the condition of the property that makes it uninhabitable, unsurprisingly, throws a wrench into that arrangement. Without certain actions from the property owner, you, the tenant, could have legal grounds to withhold rent, end the lease, or even sue the landlord. But, what exactly makes a property uninhabitable?…

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Backyard Improvements 101: Keeping It Low-Maintenance and Eco-Friendly

If you have a backyard, you know it entails a certain amount of yard work. If you don’t have the time or desire to spend time on outdoor chores, consider these low-maintenance alternatives. These suggestions are also eco-friendly, so you’ll be doing your part to save the planet. Go Native Because they’re used to growing in the area, native plants need less water and fertilizer…

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Renovate Your Kitchen Under $100: Ideas & Inspiration

Most of the time when you relocate to a new house, the kitchen is usually one of the places that are worn out. This is due to the constant use and presence of fire and sharp objects like cutlery. You may also decide to spruce up your kitchen to add more life to it. Kitchen improvement sounds like an expensive exercise but you can actually…

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Becoming Roommates: Essentials to Consider

Having a roommate comes with several benefits. Splitting the bills is easily the biggest pro. And it’s not just rent. It’s all of the bills that include cable, water, trash, and any other services you may pay for like Netflix or Amazon Prime.

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The Tiny Room Dilemma: Smart Decoration Tips & Ideas

Your bedroom should be a place to relax and restore after a long, hard day. But if you’re living in a home with a small bedroom, it can be hard to make space feel serene while storing all your belongings.

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