
Big News: We’re Expanding to Europe!

We’re happy to share the latest news about Rentberry’s success and growth! From now on, the company enters Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, and other European countries (check out our rental search to see if we offer accommodation in your city). 

To make this happen, we spent countless hours researching different aspects of each rental market and promoting Rentberry among potential tenants and landlords. 

And, what’s more, we are happy to announce our partners, thanks to whom Rentberry is able to offer even more listings around Europe.

These collaborations will allow Rentberry to showcase over 90,000 new properties! And we are not going to stop here. We’re currently negotiating terms of the partnership with a couple more large platforms, so stay tuned!

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What is Rentberry?

Rental Service

Rentberry unites landlords and tenants to make their rental experience fair, secure and transparent.

Price Negotiation Platform

Affordable rent is not a myth. Negotiate the final price with your potential landlord and find a common ground together.

Time-Saving Tools

Having your whole rental experience in one place is real. Sign electronic agreements and rent a perfect place in a few clicks.