
Tenant Rights in Michigan

Are you a tenant renting an apartment in Michigan? If that’s the case, this article will be perfect for you! All tenants — newbies and veterans of the rental domain have to be well-aware of their rights and responsibilities to avoid unpleasant and stressful situations. This post covers all essential Michigan tenant rights, from laws regarding security deposits to health and safety regulations for rental…

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Difference Between a Pet Deposit, Pet Rent, and Pet Fee

We all can agree that having a pet adds happiness to our lives and energy to our place. After all, some people say that a pet is all it takes to turn a house into a home. But, it also comes with extra responsibilities, requires to commit a lot of time, and, of course, entails extra costs. This is especially true when you’re a tenant…

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Rentberry’s Picks: Great Places to Rent in London

London is truly a city where anyone can find what they want. It can be extraordinarily posh and affluent or vibrant, quirky, and unconventional. Of course, a lot depends on the place where you choose to live — the experience will vary for two people living in different districts.  That’s why we decided to pinpoint some excellent places to live in the capital of the…

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Renters Rights in Colorado: Everything You Need to Know as a Tenant

Are you a tenant living in Colorado state who’s going through the trials and tribulations of the tenant-landlord law? You’re in the right place! Here you can find answers to the most common questions any renter might have — from rental application to rental payments and tips on how to terminate your rental agreement the right way. Or, you can jump straight to the section that…

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3,000,000 Listing Worldwide and Counting!

Today, we’d like to share with you many exciting news and achievements from the past months.  First of all, we are happy to announce a new milestone: Rentberry reached 3 million listings worldwide! As usual, let us say thank you to all our users, partners, investors, and, of course, our fantastic team. We wouldn’t have gotten so far without you! New partnerships announcement To boost…

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Security Deposit 101: Definition and All Your Questions, Answered

This article continues with one of the most fundamental rental concepts every renter should know and understand!  Today, we take a closer look at the security deposit and everything related to it.  If you have any questions about a security deposit, its definition, the amount of a security deposit the landlord can charge, or how to get your security deposit back, you’re in the right…

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Most Popular House Plants: Choose the One for You!

Have you ever been jealous of your friend’s apartment looking like an urban jungle, full of different plants, flowers, and weird-looking shrubs? Ever thought, “I wish I had something like this, but I don’t have a green thumb?” Worry no more! Whether you found yourself here to choose one little fern to put on your desk or are planning to turn your whole home office…

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Tenant Rights in New Jersey

We firmly believe that the most essential part of the Renters 101 handbook is not how to beautifully decorate your rental or make a good impression on your neighbors. Although it is important, and you can find plenty of advice on these subjects on the Rentberry blog, there is a topic you have to pay special attention to as a renter. Of course, it’s tenant-landlord…

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How Can You Negotiate Your Rent? Tips for Getting the Best Deal

Imagine you’ve found your perfect rental. It’s in a great location, close to your work, and has all the amenities you could possibly want. However, there is one catch — it’s $100 more than the maximum you determined to spend on the apartment. What do you do? Decide to throw in this money and give up on a habit of getting morning coffee in Starbucks?…

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What is Micro-Apartment? Is Renting a Micro-Unit Right for You?

No one can deny that the prices for real estate and rentals have been continually growing over the past decades. What’s more, the population of our planet has been increasing as well; just from 1950 to 2010, it grew by 174%, from 2.5 billion to 6.9 billion.  These are just two reasons why the micro-apartments have become so popular during the past few years. Today…

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Rentberry unites landlords and tenants to make their rental experience fair, secure and transparent.

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Time-Saving Tools

Having your whole rental experience in one place is real. Sign electronic agreements and rent a perfect place in a few clicks.