
Landlord-Tenant Laws in Oregon

As a renter, you might encounter some tricky situations and issues with the landlord. That’s why it is crucial to know your rights and obligations as a tenant to know how to act and what to expect from the second party in various circumstances. Although we’ve covered general regulations of landlord-tenant law, here we focus on specifics of Oregon rental laws, so you would know…

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Rentberry’s Picks: LGBTQ-Friendly Cities to Live in the United States

As you might have probably figured out, the US is one of the best countries when it comes to LGBTQ+-friendly places to live in. After all, the United States is one of the 34 countries around the world where same-sex marriage is recognized and performed.  However, the US itself is very diverse, and some of the states and cities might be significantly more gay-friendly than…

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Condo vs Apartment: Main Differences, Covered

As a tenant, you can encounter all kinds of properties on the rental market, from townhouses and single-family homes to duplexes and fourplexes. But if you live in a bigger town, the most common property type will be an apartment.  Or is it a condo? Even though these two property types are quite similar, there are some fundamental differences between them. Read on to see…

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How Much Should You Spend on Rent?

Paying rent might be the biggest monthly expense for many of us. And, of course, before you start searching for a new home, it is important to determine your budget and how much you can afford to spend on rent. There are many “rules” out there for how much you should spend on rent. Some say to spend 30% of your household income on rent….

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Rentberry’s Picks: Amazing Neighborhoods to Live in Boston

Some time ago, we talked about the top Boston suburbs and why you should choose one of them as your next place to live. This time, however, we are going to cover the Hub of the Universe itself. If you are searching for your perfect home in Boston, the location should be one of the key elements when you decide to rent the place. That’s…

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Tenant Rights in Pennsylvania

Searching for a place to rent in Pennsylvania? Or you are a long-term renter trying to wade through the difficulties of landlord-tenant law? In any case, you should always know your basic tenant rights to avoid many unpleasant situations and lengthy discussions with landlords. Searching for a place to rent in Pennsylvania? Or you are a long-term renter trying to wade through the difficulties of…

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Moving With a Cat: Helpful Tips to Make It as Easy as Possible

We all know how stressful the move can be. There are so many things to consider, from finding a new home to packing, searching for the right moving crew (or friends that would be available and willing to help), and other small details you have to keep in mind the whole time. Another reason for increased anxiety during your move could be having a pet,…

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Rentberry Introduces Virtual Tours: Don’t Leave Your Home to See a New One!

We’re proud to announce another step in making Rentberry a true all-in-one online rental platform. Starting today, we’ve introduced our online virtual tours! This feature has been a long time coming, and it was inspired by many different elements at once.  Staying at home as much as possible coupled with social distancing are two very important practices during these days. Which is why now you…

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2.5 Million Listings Available! (and some other exciting news)

There are a few news and updates we’d like to share with you. As you could notice, we’re working non-stop to create the best possible product, add unique features, and make your experience with real estate as smooth as possible. But, let us start with one fact we’re extremely proud of: Rentberry reached 2.5 million listings available worldwide! From the U.S., where we began our…

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What is Rentberry?

Rental Service

Rentberry unites landlords and tenants to make their rental experience fair, secure and transparent.

Price Negotiation Platform

Affordable rent is not a myth. Negotiate the final price with your potential landlord and find a common ground together.

Time-Saving Tools

Having your whole rental experience in one place is real. Sign electronic agreements and rent a perfect place in a few clicks.