
Tips on Finding a Great (Not Just Any) Roommate

There are plenty of reasons people choose to share a place with a roommate. Naturally, the most popular and major reason is financial. It is way cheaper to live in a two-bedroom apartment and split all costs between two people than to rent a studio by yourself. But there are also other pros of having a roommate: you will not feel lonely, you can share…

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Rentberry’s Picks: 6 Neighborhoods in Berlin for Newcomers

Berlin is an eccentric city that attracts people from all over the world. Some would visit only for a weekend, and some would seriously consider spending the rest of their lives (or at least a few years) in one of the most outstanding European capitals.  As David Bowie once said, “Berlin, the greatest cultural extravaganza that one could imagine.” Germany’s capital is truly diverse and…

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Rentals Compared: Condo vs Townhouse vs Single-Family House

Whether you are a tenant or a homeowner, renting a place or looking to buy, there are certain things you should know. One of the topics in Real Estate 101 is the difference between the main types of properties. Each of them has its own pros and cons and specific characteristics. In this post, we’ll cover three types of estates: the condo, the townhouse, and…

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New Partnerships Announcement: We’re in Latin America!

Firstly, we are happy to share some amazing news about our growth and the success that Rentberry has achieved recently! We just went through the third founding round and are proud to announce that Rentberry raised $4.5 million in investments, $1.9 of which comes from Wefunder.  These funds will be used to further develop and improve our product, so we could keep delivering the best…

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How to Save Money When You Transition From Renting to Homeownership

While a home can be costly, ownership doesn’t have to be terrifyingly expensive. Making the leap from renter to homeowner is the fabled American dream, a huge milestone right up there with graduating from school and getting married. Having a place you can proudly say you own comes with many perks, but also plenty of costs. There are the upfront expenses, including the closing costs: the fees…

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Big Update from Rentberry: Now Offering Listings for Sale!

As of this month, we have some great news to share that we think will be valuable to our users around the world. Starting now, Rentberry users can also buy properties on our platform!  Prospective purchasers can fulfill their real estate needs on Rentberry alongside their fellow tenants and landlords, all with the same high-quality service, satisfaction, and confidence they’ve grown accustomed to on our…

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Is Real Estate Recession-Proof?

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an economic downturn that has real estate investors filled with uncertainty. With many sectors now under stress, the fear of recession is more a reality than speculation. In past recessions or financial hardships, real estate has fared better than other investments, which has led to some investment experts referring to the property as recession-proof. 

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Fighting Coronavirus in Your Rental: How to Clean Your Surfaces & Air

Effective testing and treatment of ill patients remain top priorities identified with the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). For rental property owners and their tenants, maintaining clean, sanitized and disinfected surfaces and air quality should be prioritized just as high as proper handwashing in this time of global pandemic. Implementing recommended uses of cleaning products, hand sanitizers, gloves, eye protection and air cleaners has…

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Stay Safe During the Global Pandemic With Rentberry!

You don’t need us to mention that these are Crazy Times. With the coronavirus pandemic in full swing, once mundane activities such as hugging your friends, going out to eat, or even buying groceries have become challenging. But, if you’re hunting down apartments trying to find your next home, Rentberry has just the features to make prospective tenants feel safe. On Rentberry, there’s no need…

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What is Rentberry?

Rental Service

Rentberry unites landlords and tenants to make their rental experience fair, secure and transparent.

Price Negotiation Platform

Affordable rent is not a myth. Negotiate the final price with your potential landlord and find a common ground together.

Time-Saving Tools

Having your whole rental experience in one place is real. Sign electronic agreements and rent a perfect place in a few clicks.