
7 Easy Ways to Brighten Up a Windowless Room

Let’s admit it: We all want a room with enough windows for natural light to come in. At some point, many people have dreamt of waking up to the glares of the sun coming from the window. That’s because it can signal a good start to your day and give a boost of energy in the morning.

However, it is not every day that we get what we want. They say we should make do with what we have. And that means, even if you get a windowless room, you have to make it work in your favor.

How do you do that? Here are seven easy ways to brighten up your safe space:

1. Use light-colored furniture

Picking light-colored furniture pieces is one of the best ways to achieve a brighter set up for your room. We know what you are thinking—light-colored furniture can be an easy magnet for dirt and stains. While that may be true, it’s not always the case!

For one, you can search various home cleaning tips online. You can also seek professional help if you do not have the time and patience. So, there is really not much reason for you to be afraid of purchasing a white dresser or vanity for your bedroom.

Which one would you prefer: A perpetually dark space with no room to breathe or a windowless room but with a lighter vibe?

2. Decorate with mirrors

Make the illusion that there is a window, even if there are none. The trick is to add mirrors in your room so that it fools your brain into thinking that you’re in a space that has windows.

Aside from that, mirrors can make your room look bigger. At least with this, you won’t have to feel that you’re in an enclosed space that could make you feel claustrophobic all day long. Besides, mirrors now come in different shapes and sizes. You can play around with these options and see how it can improve the look of your room.

3. Paint walls with light colors

Just like filling your room up with light-colored furniture, using light paint colors for your walls can also give your space a brighter mood. Even without the light coming in from the outside, a light-colored wall will your room feel spacious, at least.

They say that your walls’ color affects how you approach your everyday living, and we agree entirely with that. If you’re into the psychology of color, you’ll know that the color creates a significant impact on how one would feel waking up or spending some time in a room. Orange, yellow, and green can draw light inside a dark room.

Besides, a light-colored wall is an excellent background for virtual meetings—a perfect work from home guide tip that you can apply. 

ways to brighten room

4. Use internal glazing

If you need to divvy up your room, do not settle with the usual solid panel dividers. Try internal glazing so that you can still have a clear view of your room even when you are on the other side.

It helps in maintaining a vibe that is not too enclosed and restricting, and it will not make your room look tiny. If anything, it can even improve the space by making it look larger. Moreso, installed lights can pass through all parts of the room because of the glass dividers. That is one way to keep your space bright and lovely, even with the absence of windows.

5. Light it up

Artificial light is one of your best friends when it comes to improving your space even without windows. 

Start with putting up a nice ceiling light that will serve as your main light for the room, and add accents like lamps and cove lighting to brighten up the ambiance of your personal space. You can also use those lightning aesthetics you see on Pinterest if you want to give your room a warm and cozy vibe.

6. Use plants as decoration

A windowless room can sometimes feel lifeless and dull. But with the presence of plants all over, you won’t feel that way.

Plants as decoration can be functional and helpful when you pick the right ones for your room. Just make sure to get those that don’t need direct exposure to sunlight. Another factor to consider is the plants’ colors. You would want something vibrant to spruce up your room, so pick the colorful ones like red, yellow, and pink.

7. Contrast with black

After putting up all the elements to keep your room vivid and bright, you need a nice contrast to highlight your light-colored furniture and walls. The trick is to use black as an accent.

It can be a small design on your wall, the paint accents on your drawers and cabinets, or it can also be the color of some of your items. It works well, especially with furniture with thin lines such as floor lamps, picture frames, and even the legs of a chair. You may think it’s ironic, but it’s one of the most effective ways to elevate your room’s look while keeping it bright.

It’s Time to Brighten Up You Windowless Room

Do not sulk if you get the room without windows. There are ways on how you can turn it into a cozy and bright space without the help of natural light.

The only thing that keeps you from loving your windowless room is that you have not been creative enough to make its features work. 

Hence, keep the seven tips listed above in mind to achieve a better outcome for your room. We also suggest that you look for visual pegs online (Pinterest is your best friend). That way, you can find ideas on how you can decorate a windowless room. 

Now, go and thoroughly search the aisles of the nearest furniture shop to find the best light-colored accents you can install in your room!

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