
Rentberry’s Picks: 7 US Cities Good for Writers

When you’re thinking of the most brilliant writers of all time, who are you thinking of? Is it grey-headed Ernest Hemingway working on his masterpiece somewhere in Cuba? Or Scott Fitzgerald lounging from bar to bar in pursuit of a muse? Or maybe it’s Stephen King whose stories are so extraordinary you can hardly believe they’ve been produced in the head of one man? It…

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Can’t afford a big apartment? Make your small one look bigger

If you had to choose between a so-called smart apartment and a Taj Mahal-sized one, chances are good you’d pick neither. In the case with Taj Mahal, you might be just not ready to see the utility bills such a place generates. As for smart apartments, let’s just say marketers did their best when coming up with the name for tiny apartments. But if you…

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Rentberry’s Picks: US Cities to Pursue a Career as a Teacher

If there were the rating of the most important professions, which ones do you believe would top the list? Chances are you’re now thinking of doctors, engineers, policemen, firefighters, and teachers. Of course, this rating should absolutely include teachers. It’s hardly possible to underestimate the importance of the role teachers play for the future of kids and society as a whole. Teachers are those kids…

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Rentberry’s Picks: 7 Top Cities for Software Engineers in the US

The number of software engineers grows year by year, and so does the demand for their skills and knowledge. To be a software engineer today means having a well-paid job, working on interesting projects, and choosing among career opportunities other people can hardly dream about. Given this, there is no wonder why Forbes named this profession the second most popular among recent college grads. Wondering…

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Tenant Rights When Rental Property is Put Up for Sale

If you’ve been renting the same property for a long time, chances are that you call this place home and really mean it. You have collected hundreds of happy moments associated with your house, you know all its ins and outs, and maybe you even dream about it while being far away. This is your home. Well, at least until your lease expires. In this…

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7 Cities Worth Pursuing a Music Career in

When you think of Chicago, it sounds like jazz. If it’s Los Angeles on your mind, you’re likely to hear the beats of hip-hop. Thinking of sunny Fort Worth or Dallas? Chances are good there is a country song playing in the back of your head. Music is all around.

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Best Places to Live: 7 Cities For Retirement

It may seem like there’s never been more interest in the topic of retirement than now. As the generation of Baby Boomers is nearing the respectable age, we see the increasing amount of articles on the retirement-related themes. In view of this, we decided to make the most out of the data and insider’s information we have and round up a list of best cities…

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Rentberry’s Picks: Cities for Tech Professionals

If you live in the same reality as we do, you’ll surely agree that modern people seem to be falling into two camps – those with a tech job and those trying to get one. Well, it’s obviously a little too dramatized but still close to what is happening in the global job market these days. Tech jobs are well-paid, popular, and promising, at least…

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Questions You Need to Ask During an Open House  

Renting a home without attending an open house is like ordering shoes from Amazon. You can see the quality pictures, and you know the size and color, but there is still a chance of misfitting. The same story happens with rental properties. You can’t be hundred percent sure it’s your dream home until you come inside. Buying a pig in a poke is sure fun,…

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How to Create a Pet Resume For Renting

Nothing should keep people from getting their dream apartments. And pet ownership is not an exception. Nonetheless, it happens times and times again. As much as 70 percent of American tenants own pets, and more than two-thirds of them say that pet ownership gives them hard times qualifying for rent with their pet rental application. But the good news is that things are gradually improving….

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