
How to Create a Pet Resume For Renting

Nothing should keep people from getting their dream apartments. And pet ownership is not an exception. Nonetheless, it happens times and times again. As much as 70 percent of American tenants own pets, and more than two-thirds of them say that pet ownership gives them hard times qualifying for rent with their pet rental application.

But the good news is that things are gradually improving. Over the years, the number of pet-friendly cities is increasingly growing, and there are grounds to believe that the primary reason for this improvement is a new trend of pet resumes. Yes, you heard it right. It’s 2020, and now our four-legged friends deserve a business-worthy resume of their own.

We know your life is too busy to research the best practices of writing a pet resume. That’s why we’ve got it covered. You can learn all the ins and outs of this trend from one source. And we can’t help but make one promise: by the end of this article, you’ll know how to turn any landlord into a pet-friendly one.

Why Landlords Ask For a Pet Resume?

Renting out is always a risk. Landlords are letting complete strangers in and hope that their property won’t end up ruined or seriously damaged. And let’s face it: some pets increase the likelihood of a worst-case scenario dramatically.

But just like you and me, landlords understand that not all pets pose an equal threat to their income property. And they consider a pet resume as your chance to show that your pet is well-behaved and won’t do much harm.

The Benefits of Pet Resume

  • It turns pet-tolerant landlords into pet-friendly ones
  • It helps mitigate strict size and breed restrictions
  • It alleviates concerns about pet behavior and health
  • It answers all possible objections a landlord might have
  • It proves you’re taking things seriously with your pet rental application
  • It eliminates the need for taking your pet for an open house

Is There Any Difference Between a Cat, Dog, and Other Pet Resume?

Not really. No matter what pet you own, the landlord’s major concerns are likely to be the same. Usually, the list includes but is not limited to hard-to-remove odors, possible property damage, noises, a safety of neighborhoods, and a threat of fleas and ticks.

If you own snakes, you might not need to mention anything regarding fleas and ticks. And if your pet is a huge dog, you should anticipate and dispel landlord’s doubts about property damages, odor, and safety of neighbors. In the case of a cat’s resume, pay special attention to neuter status.

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Given all said above, the best strategy is to put yourself in your landlord’s shoes and imagine what sticking points are most likely to arise. Anticipate the most probable objections and dispel them.

What Should Be Included In a Killer Pet Rental Application?

Although the pet resume trend is relatively new, the web community is brimming with articles about the best practices of how to write one. But the truth is that writing a killer pet resume is as simple as that: you should use your common sense and make sure to include nine points you absolutely need to mention.

Cat posing for resume picture

Meet the Winning Nine

  1. Photo. Choose the cutest photo you can find. It’s a part of human DNA to splutter with adoration when looking at those tender balls of fluff. Make use of this information and help your future landlord fall in love with your pet at first glance.
  2. Name.There’s nothing to say in this regard except one thing: if for some reason your pet’s name includes a brutal/violent component, it might be a smart idea to replace it for the sake of making the right impression.
  3. Age. It’s breed and size what matters more than age. So feel free to reveal the true age of your four-legged friend.
  4. Breed. Not all breeds are equal. Some are friendly, others are not. Some are more inclined to barking and ruining everything around, while others are calm and gentle. All you can do is to indicate your pet’s breed and add something like ‘the least aggressive Pit Bull Terrier in the city’ in case the breed of your pet is not famous for being friendly and kind.
  5. Weight & Size. In nearly all cases, this factor is among the most important. Your landlord might be completely unfamiliar with temperament and behavior of a certain breed, but the size and weight can indicate a possible amount of property damage.
  6. Sex. It’s unlikely that your pet’s sex will be the deciding factor for your landlord, but it doesn’t mean you can skip this point.
  7. Spay/Neuter Status. We cannot stress enough the importance of this point. Neuter status affects the scale of pet odor and impacts the level of aggressiveness. If your four-legged friend is still not neutered and breeding is not a part of your plan, consider the procedure as a part of your moving preparation.
  8. Information About Training. This information is what can make or break your pet resume. So if your pet has been trained and certified, make sure to show off their qualification on paper. If there was no training, consider arranging one. Chances are good it will give extra points to your pet rental application and your tenant application in general.
  9. Your Name and Contacts. Sorry for a hint at an obvious, but we had to make sure you won’t join the rank of those who fail to insert this information.

Although the above-mentioned points are usually more than enough, you can reinforce the effect by going an extra mile. If you believe it is necessary, consider providing a reference from a former landlord, inserting a short story about your pet’s experience with children and friends, or adding a fun touch in the form of ‘special things I’d love you to learn about my pet.’

How/Where to Make Pet Resume?

Be thankful for living in the 21st century. In 2020, you have options even when it comes to creating a pet resume. Let’s look what choices you’ve got.

  1. You can create one from scratch
  • Pros: it will show your motivation & you’ll get a chance to make it highly personalized.
  • Cons: it takes more time than such a task should take.
  1. You can use online pet resume builder (try RentToOwnLabs)
  • Pros: it’s insanely handy and fast.
  • Cons: just like anything standardized, it lacks individuality.
  1. You can use our samples and create a great personalized resume based on a template
  • Pros: you won’t forget any essential points and will use a tried and true format.
  • Cons: we love this samples, can’t talk about any cons.

Cat Resume SampleCat’s Resume Sample                    Cat Resume SampleDog’s Resume Sample

Now you know the best practices of writing a pet resume, and this means one thing: you can apply what you’ve just learned and increase your chances of renting a pet-friendly home. Maybe a pet resume won’t change a mind of an entirely pet-unfriendly landlord, but it can sure help you compete with other pet owners during a rental application process.

We’ve tried to anticipate all questions and concerns you might have, but we understand there might be something we’ve missed. Feel free to leave your questions in a comments section below this article, and we promise to get back to you with a well-researched answer as fast as possible. Got interesting stories about apartment hunting with a pet rental application? Go share it with our renter’s community. We love the stories you have.

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