
1M Users per Month and Other Numbers of 2021

The past year has been big for Rentberry! From releasing new features to signing partnerships to hiring amazing professionals, all departments did more than a share fair of work in 2021. What’s more, in July, we started our RegA+ investment campaign and so far raised almost $6M! As you might suspect, fundraising requires substantial effort, and our team is committed to make it as successful…

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Who Should Pay for Repairs in a Rental?

Certain things in the landlord-tenant relationship can become quite controversial. From getting rid of a raccoon in the garden to who should pay for HOA fees, every renter might face a stumbling block and question whether it is theirs or the landlord’s responsibility to take care of an issue.  One of the biggest dilemmas you might encounter as a tenant is if you are responsible…

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Autumn Updates: Rent Payments, New Partnerships, and a Few Design Modifications

During the last few months, our team has been working hard to bring some new changes to life. Now, it’s time to share with you what we’ve achieved recently! Pay and Collect Rent Online First and foremost, we are happy to introduce our brand new payment feature. From now on, landlords will be able to collect rent using our platform. And tenants can enjoy a…

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Rentberry’s Picks: Great Cities to Rent in Florida

We’ve all heard much about living (and retiring) in Florida. And there is a reason for that! Some might stay away from the Sunshine State because of the extreme heat, tourists, alligators, and hurricanes. At the same time, the tropical climate, stunning beaches, and laid-back lifestyle appeal to newcomers from all over the US and tourists alike. And many choose this state for no state…

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Do I Really Need Renters Insurance?

Wonder whether you should get renters insurance and if it’s worth it? The truth is, a tenant insurance policy is the best way to cover the cost of your belongings and protect you from any liabilities associated with your rental. Many tenants decide to skip renters insurance if their landlord does not require it. While it might feel like an unnecessary additional cost to your…

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Eviction 101: Definition, Reasons, and What Happens if You Get an Eviction Notice

Recently, evictions have become a larger problem for tenants and landlords alike as the economy and many individuals were hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. This article aims to answer all the questions you might have about why you could get evicted and how the eviction process looks like.  We believe that every tenant has to be familiar with evictions even if they believe (and hope)…

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Renters Rights in Arizona

Just as any other state in the country, the Valley of Sun has its own tenant-landlord laws in place that you must know if you rent a property in Arizona. Obviously, some of the rules and regulations are identical across the country, particularly those stated in the Fair Housing Act. But, when you go into details, such as the maximum amount of security deposits, rules…

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5 Ways to Invest in Real Estate: Options for Beginners, Those With Extra Funds or Almost No Money

It is a well-known fact that the best way to manage your money is not by saving but by investing. And, there are few investment sectors as alluring as real estate. There’s a reason Andrew Carnegie allegedly said, “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined.” While plenty…

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Rentberry’s Picks: Great Cities to Rent in Washington State

Washington State is a place that is loved by many — from enthusiastic entrepreneurs to nature lovers to young families. This state truly has something to offer to anyone, from breathtaking views and stunning national parks to great job opportunities and the headquarters of the largest businesses in the country.  Are you thinking of finding a place in Washington State you’ll be happy to call…

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Landlord-Tenant Law in Georgia: Everything You Need to Know as a Renter

Georgia is the 8th most populous state in the country, with over 10 million residents. And, among all inhabitants of Georgia, there is a large amount of those who choose to rent — more than 36% of housing units in the state are occupied by tenants. These numbers show that plenty of people might find themselves in need of learning about the landlord-tenant laws in…

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What is Rentberry?

Rental Service

Rentberry unites landlords and tenants to make their rental experience fair, secure and transparent.

Price Negotiation Platform

Affordable rent is not a myth. Negotiate the final price with your potential landlord and find a common ground together.

Time-Saving Tools

Having your whole rental experience in one place is real. Sign electronic agreements and rent a perfect place in a few clicks.