
Renting in a New City: Tips for a Smooth Relocation

Are you looking to rent an apartment or house in a new city? Relocating can be exciting and stressful in equal measure. However, by taking some vital steps, you can make renting a house in a new city a seamless experience. Preparing and planning your relocation, such as researching your potential city, identifying job opportunities, and determining your rental budget, can be essential for a smooth move. 

Contemplating moving to a new city and searching for the perfect home may feel overwhelming. However, this article aims to take some of the burdens off your shoulders and provides helpful tips and actionable steps for an efficient and easy relocation.

How to Choose Your New City 

Renting a house in a new city can offer you a fresh perspective and new opportunities, whether you desire a change of scenery or you’re moving for your career. However, selecting the right city for your next chapter in life and making the move successful requires a little homework. Let’s discover the key factors helping you choose the perfect city for your lifestyle, comfort level, and professional aspirations.

Your Budget

Some cities are significantly more expensive than others when it comes to renting a house or apartment. Before setting your heart on moving to a specific city, evaluate the cost of housing, taxes, utilities, and other necessary expenses. 

Real Estate Market

Does the local real estate market align with your housing needs and long-term plans, such as buying a property? Researching property prices, rental availability, property taxes, and trends in the local housing market can help you make an informed choice.


Demographics can be a crucial factor when deciding where you want to live. Consider factors such as population size, diversity, average age, and the presence of communities or cultural institutions resonating with your interests.

Cost of Living

Just as rents can vary drastically from city to city, so can the cost of living. Before choosing a new city, assess the average local cost of healthcare, groceries, transportation, and other requirements you might have. Consider how your lifestyle aligns with the city’s cost of living.

Job Opportunities

Renting a house in a new city could hinder or progress your career. Therefore, it is vital to research the local job market before moving. Assessing the availability of career opportunities and potential for professional growth can be critical for your future happiness.


Do you have children, or are you planning to start a family soon? If so, consider the quality of schools and colleges in the city of your choice. The educational options should align with your family’s requirements. 

Big or Small City

Do you feel more at home in a bustling big city or prefer the close-knit community of a smaller town? Each has pros and cons, so consider your lifestyle preferences, cultural needs, and access to amenities before deciding where to move.

More like this: Finding an Affordable Rental in a Large City

Public Transportation

If you rely on public transportation, evaluate your potential city’s public transit system. Assess the availability, reliability, and affordability of public transit and determine whether it fits with your commuting and general mobility needs.

Culture and Entertainment

If you enjoy culture and entertainment, research your potential city’s offerings, such as entertainment venues, art galleries, museums, and other activities you might enjoy. 


If you like the beach and sun all year round, you’ll want to pick a city in Florida rather than Alaska. Considering your prospective city’s climate and weather patterns can be vital for making your move happy. 

Proximity to Family and Friends

Losing your support system and social connections can be tough if you move too far from your loved ones. Therefore, consider the distance and travel time between your potential city, relatives, and friends.

Follow This Helpful Moving Checklist

There’s no denying: moving can be one of life’s most stressful events. However, being well-organized and having a plan can prevent you from feeling frazzled during a relocation. This helpful moving checklist guides you through the key steps of a move, helps you to stay on top of everything, and reduces stress and overwhelm.

1. Research the City

Before you consider starting the process of renting a house in a new city, make sure you know all the important facts. One way to discover more about a new city is by perusing neighborhood-specific online forums, where residents share their experiences and insights about the city.

moving to a new place

You could also reach out to local real estate agents and community organizations to better understand your prospective city’s culture, the housing market, and overall life quality. Before making a final decision on where to move, visit specific neighborhoods, local amenities, schools, and healthcare facilities, to get firsthand experience of your future living environment.

2. Create a Moving Budget

It’s easy to underestimate the cost of moving to a new city. To avoid surprises, put together a realistic moving budget by considering various expenses, such as:

Don’t forget to set aside some funds for unexpected expenses or emergencies. You may also need to review and adjust your budget throughout the moving process.

3. Make a Moving Plan

Having a structured moving plan can reduce last-minute chaos and panic. Begin to prepare for your move well in advance by devising a timeline for decluttering, packing, and hiring movers. 

Your moving plan can include a detailed checklist outlining all the tasks you need to accomplish, such as:

  • Notifying utility companies;
  • Updating your address with relevant institutions;
  • Getting quotes from moving companies;
  • Scheduling services like cleaning or repairs.

Consider decluttering your belongings before packing and creating a labeling system to keep track of boxes and their contents. Lastly, make a contingency plan in case of any unexpected delays or issues arising during the move. 

4. Hire a Reliable Moving Company

Hiring a reputable moving company rather than attempting a DIY relocation can simplify and streamline your move. However, before hiring a moving company, get clear about the type of move you envisage. For example, do you need a comprehensive packing and unpacking service or just help with loading, unloading, and transportation? Here are some tips for hiring a great mover: 

  • Ask friends and family for referrals;
  • Check customer reviews;
  • Ask about the moving company’s staff training;
  • Ensure the company is fully insured and licensed;
  • Obtain detailed quotes and estimates; 
  • Carefully read the contract before signing.

Before signing a contract, make sure that you have thoroughly researched the company, asked your most pressing questions, and know all the costs of the service you desire. Doing your homework can prevent you from hiring an unscrupulous moving company, paying more than you have to and, in the worst case, losing or damaging your precious belongings.

More like this: What Season Is Best To Rent an Apartment?

5. Make an Inventory List 

While creating an inventory list may seem like extra effort during a busy time, it can be vital for keeping track of items during and after a move. Here is an example of a simple inventory list for a living room:

  • Sofa;
  • Coffee table;
  • Television;
  • Entertainment center;
  • Bookshelf;
  • Books (x25);
  • Armchair;
  • Floor lamps (x2);
  • Rugs (x2).

Without an inventory list, you may not immediately recognize missing items. Consider also that moving companies typically require their customers to complete inventory lists.

6. Start Packing Ahead

Pack non-essential belongings as soon as you can. Start with items you don’t use every day and label the boxes with their contents and the rooms they belong in. Here are additional actionable steps for packing ahead:

  • Declutter: donate, sell, or dispose of items to minimize packing and moving;
  • Gather packing supplies, such as boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers for labeling;
  • First pack items that you won’t need in the immediate future, such as off-season clothing and decorative items;
  • Use bubble wrap or packing paper to protect fragile items such as dishes, glassware, and electronics;
  • Keep a box aside for items you want to keep with you or will need immediately upon arrival.

Starting the packing process as early as possible reduces the last-minute rush. By decluttering, gathering supplies, and packing non-essential items first, you can reduce overwhelm and stress. Moreover, when arriving at your new destination, unpacking will be a breeze. 

7. Prioritize Items You Need to Keep with You

Organize a box with essential items you want to keep with you, need during the move, or require immediately after the move. Here’s what you should do: 

  • Prioritize essential documents like passports, birth certificates, financial records, and contracts that should be kept securely with you;
  • Pack a first aid kit with basic medical supplies, prescriptions, and any other medications you may need;
  • Place valuables such as jewelry, heirlooms, or sentimental items in a small bag or box that you can personally transport.

Setting aside a box to keep with you ensures that you have easy access to your most valuable and vital belongings during and immediately after the move. You can have peace of mind knowing that important documents and irreplaceable items are safely in your possession throughout the entire moving process.

moving to new rental

8. Organize Your Belongings by Room

Packing by rooms will help movers place your belongings in the correct place and streamline the unpacking process. Clearly label each box with the name of the room and include a brief description of its contents. 

If you want to further streamline your packing process, consider creating a color-coded system for your moving boxes. Assign a specific color to each room and use colored labels or markers to indicate to which room the box belongs. 

A visual cue, such as color coding, makes it easier for movers to quickly identify where each box should be placed in your new home. Additionally, pack similar items together and clearly label the boxes with a brief description of their contents. Organizing your belongings by room and using a color-coded system can save time and effort when unpacking and help you settle into your new living space quicker.

9. Transfer Utilities

Contact your utility providers to schedule the transfer or disconnection of services, such as electricity, gas, water, and internet. Start by informing your current utility providers about your moving date and arrange for the disconnection of services at your current residence. Next, contact your new utility providers to set up the transfer or connection of services. Provide them with the necessary information and schedule the activation of utilities for your move date.

Taking the time to transfer utilities in advance is a vital step in the process of renting a house or apartment, ensuring a stress-free move and helping avoid any inconvenient disruptions or delays in essential services. Being organized and diligent when transferring utilities helps you settle into your new home with the convenience and comfort of having all essential utilities up and running when you arrive.

10. Clean Your Home Before You Leave

Cleaning your current home from top to bottom before you move out is part of renting a house and ensures a smooth handover. If you are renting, check your rental agreement before moving. A deep cleaning is typically an obligation to receive your security deposit. Don’t forget to clean appliances and tidy up outdoor spaces.

Pro tip: An excellent way to protect your rights and clarify your responsibilities is using a lease agreement template. Lease agreements are a critical tool that tenants and landlords should follow to avoid disputes, including when moving in or out of the property. This lease agreement template is provided by Lawrina, is crafted by qualified real estate lawyers, and is aligned with all necessary state laws and regulations. Moreover, you can even adjust it to your specific conditions by filling out the simple form.

11. Change Your Address

Changing your address is vital for receiving important mail and documents at your new place. Here are your next best steps:

  • Fill out a change-of-address form with the postal service to forward your mail to your new place;
  • Inform banks, insurance companies, medical providers, and other relevant agencies of your new address;
  • Change your address on magazine subscriptions and online shopping accounts.

Being proactive with an address change helps to minimize the risk of missing out on important mail. Moreover, taking care of your address change ahead of time will reduce the risk of important correspondence getting lost and contribute to a successful and smooth move.

12. Ask A Lawyer for Advice

Sometimes, a move does not go smoothly, or renting a house gets complicated. For example, you might get into a dispute with your moving company or an individual landlord, or you wish to seek legal advice before signing a lease. Lawrina’s Match functionality can help you find a trustworthy lawyer near you who can help. Ask a lawyer before signing on the dotted line to protect your rights.


Moving and renting a house or apartment in a new city doesn’t have to be a big headache. By researching the city you plan to move to, using a moving checklist, and packing ahead of time, you can reduce stress and overwhelm. Following the steps outlined in this article can reward you with a straightforward, efficient, and smooth relocation process that helps you settle into your new home and city in record time.  

Author Bio: Karyna Pukaniuk is the Head of Legal at Lawrina. Experienced Tax and Corporate Lawyer, team leader, and legaltech pro. Led and backed the smooth operation of the legal team and accompanied several different projects simultaneously. Worked closely with department’s leads and shareholders and advised them through all legal, regulatory, and risk management matters. Supervised multi-million dollar M&A deals and actively participated in the company’s product development.

About The Author

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